The Heights Ellis County focuses our services primarily on adults who have been victims of domestic violence. We do provide trauma support services to children who have witnessed domestic violence. We seek to accomplish this through offering the following services to these children through:

  • Child Witness Program

  • Monthly camp Hope Pathway Events

  • Annual Camp Hope Week

  • Ongoing Mentoring Relationships with Camp Hope Kids

  • Childcare Program

Camp Hope Overview

Exposure to domestic violence affects many individuals in the United States annually. As many as ten million children and adolescents in the United States will bear witness to acts of domestic violence each year.

While the research on children exposed to domestic violence is emerging, studies show these children are at an increased risk for anxiety and depression, loss of interest in school and friends, social isolation, increased physical and psychological aggression, bullying or being bullied, and a propensity to perpetuate the cycle of domestic violence.

Camp Hope America is the leading year-round camping and mentoring program in the country for children and teens impacted by domestic violence. We are focused on creating hope and healing-centered pathways through collaborative, trauma-informed care for youth exposed to trauma to believe in themselves, in others, and in their dreams.

The Camp Hope America Program is a strengths and character-based summer camp and mentoring model with a six-day, overnight program and follow-up activities during the school year. The program focuses on three key elements: 1) “Challenge by Choice” activities, 2) affirmation and praise for developing observed character traits, and 3) themed, small group discussion and activities focused on helping children set goals and then pursue those goals.

The vision for Camp Hope America is to break the generational cycle of family violence by offering healing and hope to children who have witnessed family violence.

Volunteer At Camp Hope

If you would like to volunteer to serve at Camp Hope please click below:

More About Camp Hope

If you would like more information about Camp Hope click here.